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Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition, Europe’s largest innovation event, is back!

An amazing weekend of technology, science, creativity, and entertainment awaits you from October 8 to 10.

#MFR2021 is back in – person again in a huge, iconic, new location – the Gazometro Ostiense area - to take you to journey into the most innovative present and into the future that lies ahead. Over the three days, you will be able to discover projects from Italian and international makers with the chance to interact and engage discussions with them, in full compliance with the anti – Covid19 provisions.

 The schedule is constantly updated: follow Maker Faire Rome  to stay up to date and plan your visit.

Get a glimpse of the future with us: discover the six thematic areas organized into 11 exhibition spaces:

  • Research
  • Fabrication
  • Arts
  • Life
  • Health
  • Education

TEKO invites you to visit Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition
and explore the future together at a very special rate: buy your ticket online with a special discount.

Maker Faire Rome single ticket: € 9,00 instead of € 12.00


But there’s more: Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition is onsite but also online! A completely renewed and interactive platform is about to be launched: don’t you have the chance to get to our venue? Get ready to live the Maker Faire Rome digital experience by using your laptop or your devices: It’s free!

Remember: Maker Faire Rome tickets can be purchased online only.


The Tux case was, way back in 2006, the first Tux puppet that had a real Linux heart inside based on the FOX Board M2M SBC. In 2021 he returns with a whole new heart. Guess what we put in it this time?


Torna dal 9 all'11 aprile 2021, in un formato completamente digitale, "The Big Hack", la maratona di hacking di Maker Faire Rome – the European Edition, alla sua quinta edizione. Sviluppatori, ingegneri, designer, ricercatori, studenti e appassionati di tecnologia si riuniscono per rispondere con soluzioni innovative alle sfide di ogni giorno.

Per ogni innovatore, qualsiasi il suo obiettivo, The Big Hack ha sempre rappresentato l’occasione perfetta per prototipare e validare progetti suscettibili di diventare anche delle vere e proprie iniziative imprenditoriali, oppure di trasformarsi in quella soluzione geniale che lo stesso sponsor della challenge potrebbe decidere di adottare. Molte startup di successo sono nate proprio da progetti sviluppati durante gli hackathon. The Big Hack non fa eccezione.

L’iniziativa è rivolta a developer, maker, ingegneri, designer,  UX e UI specialist, data scientists, creativi, esperti di digital marketing e di comunicazione.

Sono ammessi a partecipare:

  • team composti da un minimo di 3 a un massimo di 5 persone;
  • singoli individui. In questo caso, i partecipanti saranno inseriti in Team formati dall’Organizzatore o dal Partner tecnico in considerazione del loro profilo e della loro esperienza, delle loro idee e delle loro abilità.

La partecipazione è gratuita ed è rivolta a maggiorenni italiani o stranieri. Sul sito della manifestazione sono già disponibili le sfide lanciate dai big player nazionali e internazionali, per iscriversi è sufficiente registrarsi alla pagina dedicata.











From December 10 through 13, this upcoming edition is committed to surprise and amaze you - as it always did.

TEKO support the most important International event dedicated to agritech, foodtech, digital manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence, mobility, circular economy, health, IoT, recycling, data science, in addition to the dedicated Fashion, Art and Music sections, which will explore the intersection between the arts, science and technology.

How to participate


Participation to Maker Faire Rome will be granted just upon registering. The whole event will be free of charge, for anyone.

To improve your visitor experience, you will be able to customise your profile by expressing your preferences on the topics and activities you plan to explore during the event. You will receive suggestions and notifications tailored to your interests.






  • Le dernier modèle du devboard le plus célèbre au monde a désormais son propre conteneur: TEK-BERRY4 !!
  • Conteneur destiné à un large public: de la grande industrie, aux installateurs professionnels, de l'utilisation pédagogique à l'utilisation récréative pour tous les niveaux de bricoleur
  • Plus de puissance de processeur? => Entièrement refroidi par des fentes de ventilation pour la circulation de l'air à l'intérieur pour maintenir la température du CPU à un niveau bas
  • Augmente-t-il la connectivité? => Augmentation des ports HDMI et USB
  • Voulez-vous empiler plusieurs cartes? => grâce à l'accessoire RPI4-SPACER vous pouvez augmenter la hauteur du conteneur à votre guise
  • En outre: matériau: ABS + PC (V0) auto-extinguible pour assurer une sécurité maximale dans toutes les conditions et utilisations.
  • Possibilité de monter l'accessoire module caméra sur le couvercle
  • De nombreux accessoires pour compléter et personnaliser votre Raspberry4.


TEKO SpA a le plaisir de présenter une nouvelle gamme de petits boîtiers modernes, parfaits pour une utilisation dans des appareils portables pour capturer des données de capteurs internes et externes, pouvant être affichées sur un écran jusqu’à 15 ". Disponibles avec différents accessoires, les boîtiers sont spécialement conçus autour du cou, comme porte-clés, sur le bras, dans la poche ou comme application autonome. Les joints garantissent un haut niveau de protection contre l'eau et la poussière. Espace à l'intérieur pour les piles boutons standard pour des utilisations longue durée. Chaque boîtier est sécurisé par quatre petites vis.




Conception moderne du boîtier arrondi IO-TEK en plastique à 2 composants, spécialement développé pour les applications IoT.

Idéal pour la surveillance de l'environnement , contròle des accès et comme interface homme-machine.

Fixation au mur simplifié grâce à un support spécifique qui s'intègre parfaitement dans les boitiers encastrables standard.

L'excellent système de fermeture garantit un joint étanche certifié IP65 pour un montage extérieur.


Embedded World 2020

Embedded World 2020

We are glad to see you from 25 to 27 February on the exhibition "Embedded World 2020" in Nuremberg.

We are happy to arrange an appointment, please send e-mail request to  sales@teko.it

12 familles de produits , 152 séries . Vous ne pouvez pas trouver ce que vous cherchez? Nous contacter